понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


Here's an example of how you can bind to these events:. Also add css class "orbit-slide-number" where you want to show this on the page. Could you advice me on this or share examples please. Orbit Orbit is an easy, powerful, responsive image slider that allows users to swipe on touch-enabled devices. Post as a guest Name. orbit zurb

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Orbit Orbit is an easy, powerful, responsive image slider that allows users to swipe on touch-enabled devices.

Foundation - Orbit - Tutorialspoint

If the default "foundation" import was commented out, then make sure you import this file:. Talk to us Tweet us at foundationzurb Email us at foundation zurb. Then anywhere on your page you can use data-orbit-link to link to that slide. Active 6 months ago. MeltedPenguin 7 7 silver orgit 15 15 bronze badges.

Improving the question-asking experience. University Ideas, thoughts and design resources shared with you.

orbit zurb

Danila Belov Danila Belov 43 10 10 bronze badges. Sign up to receive monthly Responsive Reading highlights. I am currently working with orbit. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Email Required, but never shown. To link to a particular slide in your Orbit slider you will need to add a data-orbit-slide attribute to each slide.

orbit zurb

There are several events that you can bind to in Orbit. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Danila, if you have successfully implemented Foundation 6 Orbit, could you show us a basic implementation here: Post as a guest Name. This is full jQuery code to properly working. Could you advice me on this or share examples please. You can achive this with plain CSS.

You can use with data-attributes or plain old JavaScript. Find us on Github. Also add css class "orbit-slide-number" where you want to show this on the page.

Here's an example of how you can bind to these events:. Studios Helping more than startups succeed since Colin Marshall Colin Marshall 2, 1 1 gold badge 15 15 silver badges 30 30 bronze badges. Stay in touch Keep up with the latest on Foundation. Keep up with the orhit on Foundation. Sign up using Facebook.

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It's easy to configure Orbit using our provided JavaScript. You can then populate it with images, text, and captions. Orbit requires minimal HTML markup to function. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Design Apps Prototype, iterate and collect feedback on your products. CrowScript CrowScript 31 4 4 bronze badges.

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